Thursday, March 20, 2014

Cocktails & A Chat with Mrs. P on Aging.

Let’s chat!

HA!  When I read that this week's topic was on aging I freaking appropriate.  And for this topic ironically enough my cocktail of choice is coffee.  Plain ole coffee with a dash of caramel macchiato creamer.  My coffee mug today has a picture of two of my three little people on it.  Let's just say for the sake of their privacy their names are Peanut and Bubby.  Peanut is 5 going on 25 and Bubby is 16 months.  Nugget is just a wee baby.
Aging is a topic that is now highly debated.  It used to be that when we thought of aging the first thing we thought of was hospice.  HA HA.  Now, at least when I think of aging I think of growing wiser and becoming more fit so that I do not have to battle physical health.
Oh my random thought just now.  If I were to actually have my cocktail of choice at 8:48 in the morning it would be a beer margarita.

Mrs. P's Beer Margarita (Woot Woot)
4 beers (XX, Miller Lite, or Rolling Rock)

1 can of frozen limeade
Using the limeade can fill 3/4 with tequila and dump it in

Using that same can fill 1/4 with triple sec

You can alter the ingredients once done to suit your taste.   Happy Drinking.
Oh and one more thing.  If you are going to have a job in your 20's or want awesome friends please make sure one of them in an EMT so that they can give you IV fluids in the morning.  Do not ever tell this to your children.

Back to the topic at hand.  Fair warning it's going to be more of a rant that a discussion.  When I was in my 20's I thought nothing could go wrong.  I moved all over the damn country screwing up my life just a little at a time.  I did not realize that lack of sleep and excessive amounts of drinking would affect me when I was older.  Now I am considered old (just ask any questionnaire) and I struggle to stay healthy.  I have gallstones.  I have had three c-sections.  My eyes are going to shit.  I just had the worst haircut of my life which was luckily by the grace of God fixed by someone else.  I am here to say that a haircut can really damage a middle aged woman's self-esteem.  WTF!  Who knew a haircut meant so much.  Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wait!  Gel nails!  Oh Maaaaaa Gahhhhhhh I love me some gel nails.  Best invention ever.  So, I don't think I am having any more kids.  Maybe we will adopt but that is still up for consideration.  My #1 said he already adopted a kid (Peanut is mine from a previous hot mess) that doesn't like him so why would he want to adopt another that doesn't like either of us.  LMAO! HA! Word!  But seriously, it's up for consideration.
My days of excessive drinking are over for many reasons. 1. I nurse my little nugget. 2. It makes me want to smoke. 3. I hate hangovers and don't know any EMTs that can come to my rescue.

Speaking of smoking I was a smoker for many years.  I can "feel" it now that I am older.  I started when I was 17 and quit at 33.  YIKES.  Hello black lunged demon.  I hope they aren't black anymore.  They say it takes 5 years to get your lungs "back to normal" but I am not convinced it is all possible.
Here is what I have learned as I have gotten older.  Don't smoke.  Drink in moderation.  Get a designated driver and don't be an idiot. Get married when you are ready (if ever) and be ready for a fight.  Marriage is WORK people.  I have been married and divorced and remarried.  I tried to forgive and forget and I couldn't.  But hey, that's for another post.  Have your kids when you know you want them and are willing to sacrifice things like sleep, drinking, and smoking (but remember I said not to smoke).  LOVE your children no matter what, but never let them come between you and your spouse or other SO. Be ready to pay for daycare and babysitters.  Be ready to leave them (the kids) for a weekend away with your SO.  Be ready to buy ridiculous items that your kids will only love for 3 minutes tops.  Learn to forgive (don’t be too hard on yourself it takes practice).  Laugh a lot.  Be with people who life you up.  Go on vacation.  Don’t judge others.  Don’t flip off strangers.  In 2014 you are likely to be shot in the face for crap like that.  Relax.  Don’t be in such a hurry.  DO NOT TEXT AND DRIVE.  Be real. Stay real.  Love.  Love a lot.  Love yourself.  Exercise.  Seek therapy it’s good for the soul.  The list could go on for miles but you get the idea.  Some are cliché some are not.  But they are real and true.

Growing older isn't about "getting old" it's about becoming selfless and giving to others.  What have you learned as you have gotten older?

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...this & that... wants to know what you think. I'm ready. I'm excited. Bring it! Your comments that is. I just love your feedback! Thanks for stopping by and sharing a little of ...this & that... from your perspective. xo, Heather (aka Blondie)