Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Cocktails & A Chat is BAAACKKKKK and Badder Than Ever!

Ha ha.  Hello, hello, hello!  I couldn't resist the title.  Just had to do it!
Cocktails and a Chat is back!  Yeah baby!  Just a heads up, from this point forward I'm planning on this being a monthly series (for now).

Tomorrow's topic is A-G-I-N-G...  It's going to be juicy.

Oh, and Mrs. P and Mr. Antonio will be partaking in the monthly madness as well.  I mean series!  Also, be on the lookout for a monthly column that will periodically "pop-up" from each of them.  Hint, hint.  Oh, oh, oh, and of course the lovely Ms. Kori will chime in now and then and add her two-sense.  I can't wait!

Here's the original post introducing my lovely contributors:  Mrs. P, Mr. Antonio and Ms. Kori!

Cocktails and a Chat is a fun column that I started with Mr. Antonio.  It's about 4 bloggers that are all in our "mid" thirties and talk about the nitty-gritty called LIFE and the idiosyncrasies of it.  Oh, and I do personally know Mrs. P, Mr. Antonio and Ms. Kori personally - besides being fabulous writers they are really great friends of mine.  They aren't just my bloggyland friends.

This is how it works:  each of us sit down at the computer with our favorite alcoholic beverage in-hand and writes about the "chosen" topic.  I'll talk about that process in another post.  It's typically a "fun" topic that will be a fun read and an a-ha one too...  That's my hope anyway.

Here's the very first Cocktails & a Chat about love at first sight with Mr. Antonio, Ms. Kori and me!  Here's another on online dating by Mr. Antonio.

Side note, I really love Mrs. P's take on things because of her killer, no-holds barred personality, she just gets-it-all-out-there-and-then-some and her perspective as the Mom/Parent/Wife of the group.  And Mr. Antonio tells-it-like-it-is from the guy's perspective.

Each of us do have a story...and over time and different posts you'll find all of it out.  Stay tuned.

Happy reading.  The posts will be up tomorrow.  Mrs. P, Mr. Antonio and I are contributing this month. 

Any topic suggestions please comment and let us know!  Let us know what you think too!

Happy Hump Day!  Hope you are having a fabulous week!

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...this & that... wants to know what you think. I'm ready. I'm excited. Bring it! Your comments that is. I just love your feedback! Thanks for stopping by and sharing a little of ...this & that... from your perspective. xo, Heather (aka Blondie)