Thursday, March 20, 2014

Cocktails & a Chat with Mr. Antonio on Aging.

I was kindly asked to post about aging, and not sure what Heather, bff lady had in mind, but I think she was calling me old.
Not like she’s that far behind either, anyways. :)
One of the things about life that has become of prime concern for those of us in the mid 30s range (anything between 33 and 39 is still mid 30’s so hush), is certainly aging. Sometimes we start thinking about it as soon as we turn a certain age, we feel it in our bodies, or don’t feel, depending on the season, anything that spells relaxation sounds like the perfect time and the attitude towards people in general, shifts towards absolute bitterness.
**While we have this chat, I'd like to enjoy it with a nice glass of Apple Martini with the following ingredients:
-A nice, slender looking and tall martini glass
-Whatever ingredients are in an apple martini drink
-Some ice 
The benchmark for me was the very day after I turned 30, when I felt a lot of shit started happening to my body. Not only did next day's hangover feel like being on my death bed and wishing to end it all, but also, back pain started developing, joints snapped more often or they just ended up making funny sounds and allergic reactions started to appear for no apparent reason other than being 30. As the decade progressed, aside from body parts snapping in and out of place more frequently, others, which come in pairs, in about 10 years time, look like they will end up being dragged across the floor.
A future geographical location seems to matter as well. When I was younger, I remember going with relatives to trips out in the country and noticing how boring life must be in a farm, a small town or a rural area where there’s only nature, animals and the occasional human being. Nowadays, driving through a small farming town or the countryside seems like the most idyllic place to live and spend the rest of my life. Far away from everything, especially people.
Of equal importance, I’ve noticed that we men are grumpier as we get older and aging seems to be an acceptable excuse for this to happen. We start putting up less with shit from others, giving a rat’s ass about anyone and generally developing this apathy for people approaching one’s breathable vicinity.  Or maybe it’s just me.  For some of us who have been told that we are going to end up old, grumpy and alone, we don’t have a problem being labeled as an old sour fuck and starting to act like one already. Good practice for the future. By 70, I think it should be perfectly acceptable to just be left alone, in a farm, with a gun, redneck style and whomever gets close to one's perimeter, pop a cap in his ass just because. (It’s usually a dude stirring up shit).
Of course this is wishful thinking because in the end, I may end up with a bunch of grand kids to take care of and chickens to feed and it all sounds perfectly fine to me. 
As a side note, I would have mentioned something about aging and maturity but I refuse to grow past 14, so the topic is irrelevant.


  1. Loving this topic!!! I wish I would have had the time to add my thoughts! Kori ;-)

  2. And still stand by what I said :)


...this & that... wants to know what you think. I'm ready. I'm excited. Bring it! Your comments that is. I just love your feedback! Thanks for stopping by and sharing a little of ...this & that... from your perspective. xo, Heather (aka Blondie)