Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Our Refrigerator Travel Bucket List...for 2014.

{OUR Travel List}

Yep, S and I have a "travel" bucket list.  It is on our refrigerator (see above).  We "point" to our next destination.  It's funny, I know!

Sometime ago, when I was single (way back when...) I bought a chalkboard magnetic mirror and it works very nicely as our pointer!  Oh, and it's my favorite color, orange.

You are probably wondering, when we made the list?  S created it a few months after we started dating, in early 2013.  We thought it would be fun to have a list we could "see" and "cross" things off as we do them. It's dorky I know but, it is soooo us!

It's not really a bucket list because it is realistic places we will go to and/or have already been too.  For example, San Francisco we've already been together - back in December 2012 (my Christmas present, we went to the Kraft Fight Hunger Bowl, ASU played the Navy).  That was a GREAT trip!  So, much fun.  It's funny we talked about going back while we were still on the trip in San Francisco!  Too funny, right?!

Monument Park is already complete, we did that on our way to Telluride, Colorado a few weeks ago. Don't worry, I'll share about that trip soon.

We area looking forward to the Sun Devils going back to the Rose Bowl.  Fingers crossed, they can do it this year!  It's a new year...  Obviously, last year, they did not do it.  We were so bummed!  And yes, we have season tickets and are die-hard fans (well S is).  I'm a definite Sun Devil fan but, not absolutely die-hard.  But, it is pretty cool watching "my" school play!  I'm an ASU Alum.  

I'm looking forward to our next trip.  Not sure, when or where we will go or what we will do but, it's always a blast!

Do you have a travel list?  If so, is it on your refrigerator?  Or better yet, do you have a map?!  Do tell.

NOTE:  Please give proper credit if you use my photo.  Thank you.

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...this & that... wants to know what you think. I'm ready. I'm excited. Bring it! Your comments that is. I just love your feedback! Thanks for stopping by and sharing a little of ...this & that... from your perspective. xo, Heather (aka Blondie)