Thursday, April 3, 2014

Let's continue the chat on aging...grab your cocktail!

Last week, Mr. Antonio and Mrs. P shared their thoughts regarding aging.

Now, it's my turn.  Let's get down to the skinny of it and my two-sense about aging! 

I'm sipping a glass of my favorite red wine, Coppola Pinot Noir.  (Wrote this post over the weekend, hehe, don't want you to think I'm drinking wine at 5:30 a.m. when the post goes live.)

Are you ready?  Here we go...

Aging.  Ugh.  This is a sore subject for me lately.  Yep, I'll admit it..  Not, normally though.  Typically, my attitude about age, is that "it is"  just a number.  Seriously, I mean, really, it is just a number!  However, now, all of a sudden, I see it.  I feel it.  I notice it.  And the simple fact is, I am getting older.  Life progression, right?  Anyone else, notice any of this...? 

This post isn't a pitty-party by any means but, I'm definitely going to let it hang all out regarding aging...and then some.

A few weeks ago, I received the invitation to my 20-year high school reunion.  Eeeek!  It kind of just dawned on me "wow, where did the time go...?!" 

I don't really feel old, nor, do I think I look old.  In all honesty, I think I look pretty damn good for 37!  Thank you very much!  However, I am fully aware of  a "few" small, teeny tiny, little wrinkles in the corner of my eyes and a line or two on my forehead.  No biggie, it's normal, typical, a regular thing called a-g-I-n-g.  Duh!  Oh, and I definitely notice a difference with my metabolism, oh yes!  And from time-to-time I feel achy in my joints in the morning.  Yep, I sure am admitting all of this on here.  Hehe...  Oh, and I definitely don't weigh 109 pounds anymore!  Too funny.

I'd like to think that I've treated my body pretty good over the years.  I think...?  I'm not a smoker.  I'm not a big drinker.  I treat my body good.  I drink plenty of water, try to, this is now that I'm older (hehe).  Typically, I exercise regularly - having a little "motivation" issue right now. Starting a new workout regime next week.  I wash my face every night (almost always, missing 5 nights a year is no big deal) and I've religiously used eye cream since the beginning of high school, over 20+ years and it's definitely paid off!  Hehe!  Thank you Mary Kay!

Another aspect of aging is when I look at my friend's kids and I'm like OMG!  Wow!  I feel old.  I see these kids grow up and I'm  like "wow" that means I'm that much older.  I love seeing my friends as parents - it's a very cool thing to see.  I get to see Mrs. P (been friends for about 10 years), my childhood friend, Jason, my high school friends, Dena, Dana and Amy.  Oh, and Cathie too!  I can't put it into words.  It's just incredibly awesome!  And let's just say it's pretty cool to see their kids become these awesome little people with "the best aspects" of each of my friends and their spouses all rolled into one!  Hehehe.  I'm laughing here.  Being the "non-parent" of the bunch I've learned which "scream" requires my friends to get off the phone!  Haha.

Another aspect of "age" right now is...friends.  Which friends are still present?  Which aren't?  Makes you think over the years, the differences and changes in this arena.  Whether you' a committed relationship, married, divorced, or single.  Oh, and let's not forget whether or not you have kids...! Friends notice this stuff. 

My Mom recently gave me some insightful advice...that sometimes you outgrow your friends.  Hmmm...?!  Wow, Mom!  I never ever thought of it that way...of "outgrowing" someone and their friendship.  Never, ever considered that.  Ever.  People change too and you grow apart or simply put - your life is just going a different way...  You know what I mean?! It's not a bad thing, it just happens. You get married. You get divorced. You remain single (not necessarily by choice). You have kids. You move away. Life happens.

Side note, I'll admit that all my married friends liked to hear about my "single gal life" out in the dating world...they wanted the skinny.  Too funny, right?!  They still want to hear about it!

Recap.  Aging.  I see it.  I feel it.  I notice it with friends and their kids.  I'm content with it.  I'm learning to embrace it.

I look back at my life as I write this post and think... Wow, I've made a lot of mistakes.  But, I've learned a whole hell of a lot.  I'm pretty sure I've got a "few" more mistakes to make and things to learn...  A little admission here,, I've even had to repeat a few of the same mistakes over just to get the lesson down right!  Apparently, I didn't learn the lesson well enough the first time around.  Haha.  We've all been there, done that.  Right?!

I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments on aging!  Do share.

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...this & that... wants to know what you think. I'm ready. I'm excited. Bring it! Your comments that is. I just love your feedback! Thanks for stopping by and sharing a little of ...this & that... from your perspective. xo, Heather (aka Blondie)