Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Introducing Smokey, our new addition!

If you noticed I was MIA this past Friday.  No post.  My apologies.  Normally, I have posts scheduled in advance.  However, BlondiesShop had me busy this past week working on a custom order.  So...I didn't get Friday's post done.

Anyhow, I was also off on Friday.  S and I had somewhere to be and someone special to pick-up.  We have a new addition to our family!  Yes, we do.

Without further ado...here's Smokey!  She's a 7 week old Silver Labrador.  I'm a doggy mommy!  OMG!!!

This is right after we picked her up, for the car ride home.  Daddy snapped a pic.
NOTE:  she cried the entire way home.  Well, almost.  It' was a long ride home.  She was missing her 8 brothers.
All stretched out and getting comfy...she's like...mom, really, more pictures, don't you have enough...? !  
Smokey is completely tuckered out.  Actually, she takes a lot of  naps. 
Ms. Smokey does not like nor understand that "sometimes" she will be put in her pen, period.  She isn't potty trained yet and we aren't about to let her roam free...not gonna happen.  Sorry, Smokey but, you aren't ready to be left alone, unsupervised.   As you can see by the above picture that doesn't like it.  Not one bit!
S said Smokey needed a duck - after all she is a bird dog.

S and I are very excited to finally have Smokey home.  We've been waiting since last November.  She's been keeping us busy.  She's a very smart little doggy.  She started using the doggy door right away!  She can sit.  She can play catch and return the ball.  She loves the water (gave her a bath and no big deal mom)!!!  S and I are very excited about this!  She's being crate trained and it's going well.  However, someone, does not like being "penned" not one teeny, tiny, bit.  Well, she's slowly but surely getting used to it.  It's a process.  Also, potty training is quite the process.  Let's just say that S and I have it down Smokey's "tell" when she needs to go potty.  Haha.

Have a wonderful day and make it a great one!  And remember yesterday's motivation: think positive!

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...this & that... wants to know what you think. I'm ready. I'm excited. Bring it! Your comments that is. I just love your feedback! Thanks for stopping by and sharing a little of ...this & that... from your perspective. xo, Heather (aka Blondie)