Friday, March 28, 2014

FF {Finance Friday} No. 1: I am Financially Free! Are You?

Well, well, well...Happy Friday all! T-G-I-F is all I have to say.

Friday morning cleaning was a success! You see, I started last night when I got home early from work (it was still light out). Yes, I am serious. My to-and-from work commute is roughly 2-1/2 to 3 hours a day, depending on traffic. Yes, I'm serious.


Today is the very first FF post! Ok, FF is Finance Friday. This is a new series I am bringing to ...this & that... because it's important to talk about money and finances. This shouldn't be a scary or uncomfortable thing people. It shouldn't be, but, we all know that it is "at times".

So, here goes...

I am financially free! Yes, yes, I AM.

Well, not quite just yet. I'm working on it. I recently started reading Alexa Von Tobel's book, Financially Fearless. Actually, a little admission here, I pre-ordered it and then un-subscribed from the Learnvest website. Bad, I know. I was getting inundated with emails from everyone and unsubscribed from almost everything. So, I pre-ordedred it and received on the release date, pretty nice I might add. Thanks! The release date was December 31, 2013 and I thought what a great way to start 2014 by reading a financial book! And become debt free at the same time. Yes, that's the plan and it's working. However, I will say I just started the book this week.

You see, I decided in 2014 that I'd broaden my horizons with regard to what I read. I read a lot of take me away, let's escape books and no I don't mean solely "romance" either. Anyhow, I thought it was important to read more than just my "escape" books and add something educational as well. More on "these" books in another post.

In addition, I bought the hardcover of this book rather than the Kindle version. You see, I thought it would be better to hold it in my hot little hands and turn those crisp pages! Funny, I know. Sometimes, a girl wants a "real" book!

I chose Fincially Fearless as a book to read because I really like what Alexa Von Tobel has to say regarding finances and get your ducks in a row. I enjoy reading the articles on LearnVest and reviewing the courses, etc. However, it can be a little overwhelming if you don't have the time or better yet, don't consciously making the time to read and review the daily emails when you are signed up for the course. If you've done it - you know what I mean. Also, it doesn't help when you are in the accounting field (me) and you have year-end preparations and so-forth and are crazy busy on the workfront with year-end items. I think you get the point.

At this point, I've consciously made the decision that I am financially free! It's the psychological perspective that you say it, write it, believe it, practice it and it will actually become true...I'm probably not explaining this the very best right now but, it's from the psych major brain in myself and Alexa's view in the beginning of the book (that I read 2 days ago).

I'm really excited about reading this book and going through the exercises and "writing" down my answers in the book. That's why I bought the hardcover. This isn't an easy task by any means and a lot of thought goes into it, and I'm only on page 40 something... I'm looking forward to the challenge of figuring it all out and getting it down on paper (I'm a note-taker-paper-and-pen kind of gal) and being financially free!

Every Friday I'm going to share my progress (journey) becoming Financially Fearless and various other tidbits regarding finance, accounting or money. And since, I do work with numbers for a living (in accounting field) this is the perfect topic to share on ...this & that... too! Right, right.

I'd love to have you join me in the "financially free" journey! and you'll be ready for next Friday! Order the book here, start reading and I'll meet you back here next Friday!

Happy Friday! Have a wonderful weekend.

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...this & that... wants to know what you think. I'm ready. I'm excited. Bring it! Your comments that is. I just love your feedback! Thanks for stopping by and sharing a little of ...this & that... from your perspective. xo, Heather (aka Blondie)