Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Introducing Antonio, aka Mr. S!

Howdy ya'll!

I've been asked to participate as a guest writer in my friend (BFF) Heather's blog and I truly hope she does not regret this idea. See, her blog is all nice, prim and proper, whereas mine, is just a hedonistic hot mess of verbal dysentery, abuse of the English language and bad things all around.  Bad things in a good way of course.

So my pen name on here shall be Antonio, for the most obvious of reasons. See, just like mr. Banderas, I also possess that exquisite oral dexterity of speaking with an accent because I also happen to be a Latino, and while our looks may differ, mine being of superior genetics of course, I'm also quite the celebrity myself.  In my own hyperbolic spaced-out brain.

I've been blogging for years, and while in the past couple of years I've posted sporadically, with gaps of up to 1.5 years, I plan to at least be regular on Heather's blog and try to revive mine, if the impulses of my index finger so dictate it and my lazy ass feels like it.

Currently I am located in New York city and my official work is related to writing, brain cracking numbers, bs ingesting from other people and dealing with a lot of drama. This provides me with enough ammunition and pent up energy to spank the monkey in the form of a blog post.

See, when you are part of a big metropolis where time does not exist, not because it's all magical but because there are not enough hours in the day, and where making business and personal decisions include a lot of red tape and ass kissing, it's no wonder that we all here end up with flaring tempers and a knack for meanness.

Me, personally, I totally enjoy the latter. It's just an added bonus to my own spicy, toasty charm. (insert smiley face)

Writing is an innate passion as it is eating gummy bears, which I truly enjoy. And deflowering this most beautiful language with my masterful mix of attitude, lascivious imagination and shortness of patience thanks to living in NY is quite my area of expertise.

Therefore I hope not to bore anyone with the type of writing that may permeate these pages once in a while, because I can almost assure you, that you'd leave here shaking your head or at least with little chuckle and blushing.

1 comment:

  1. You will keep hearing from me, you will see :P

    Thanks for inviting me.


...this & that... wants to know what you think. I'm ready. I'm excited. Bring it! Your comments that is. I just love your feedback! Thanks for stopping by and sharing a little of ...this & that... from your perspective. xo, Heather (aka Blondie)